As the title says, this post is here just to greet you, the visitor. You can click here, keep on reading, but all of that just to find out that there was nothing “interesting” in here. But I’ve kept a read more link in this post, if you really want to read more about this post. 😁

So you’ve decided to read this post, haven’t you? I am glad you did that. But don’t read any further. There is nothing to read down there.

And you have continued reading anyways. I knew it. Since you are that much curious, I’ll let you in on some inside information.

I’ve started writing this blog as I am interested in sharing knowledge. Technical knowledge of course. There will be information on topics such as Linux, FOSS, Programming frameworks/APIs/libraries, and the like. Also, I will try to regularly post them.

Wait. There is more!

Since I like watching Anime and reading Manga, there is going to be a separate section specifically for that! (Not available at the moment.) The posts will mostly contain reviews, recommendations and favourites. So, if you are a fan (like me) or recently have joined the community or are curious, then do look forward to it.

That is all. Thank you for giving your time in reading this post. And also, thank you for visiting my website.

If you want to know more about me, then please checkout the Who am I section.

See you again next time. 👋

Note: Do not scroll any further. This time, there seriously isn’t anything to read down there. 😉